Delivery Information

<Delivery time>

Shipping times vary depending on the items you order, so please check the details page for each product.
For pre-order items, delivery will occur after the release date.

*For products that do not have a shipping time listed on the product details page, the product will be shipped within 10 business days (excluding weekends, holidays, New Year's holidays, and summer holidays) after your order is confirmed if you pay by credit card, or after your payment is confirmed if you pay at a convenience store. We will ship it within about days.
*This is "shipping" and not "arrival", so the actual number of days it takes for delivery will vary depending on your area and transportation conditions.
*If you order items with different shipping dates at the same time, they will be shipped together according to the item with the latest shipping date.
*For goods on sale at concerts, events, etc., it may take more than 10 business days to ship depending on the inventory situation.

Please note that delivery may be delayed for the following reasons:
・When there is a large number of orders
If the product is temporarily out of stock
- When delivery is impossible due to weather or other force majeure
・If the production of the product is delayed
- If there is a problem with your order or payment, such as an overcharge or undercharge.
・If shipping operations are temporarily suspended due to summer holidays, New Year's holidays, consecutive holidays, etc.

<Shipping confirmation>

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a shipping notification email as support information.
When you click the [View your order] button in the email, you will be taken to a page listing the shipping company and tracking number.
Clicking on the tracking number will take you to the delivery company's inquiry site where you can check the shipping status.
If you are a registered member, you can log in to your "My Page" and check the "delivery company" and "tracking number" from the relevant "Order History."

<Shipping company and delivery method>

Your order will be delivered by Sagawa Express, Yamato Transport, or Japan Post. You cannot specify the delivery company.
*We cannot accept requests for specific delivery dates and times, delivery methods, or special packaging for gifts, etc.
*Orders cannot be delivered to a delivery company office, post office, or convenience store.

<Combined/split shipping>

We are unable to combine or split shipments of products after an order has been placed.
Products ordered at the same time will be shipped together once all items are available, while products ordered separately will be shipped separately.

<Shipping fee>

Delivery within Japan Nationwide standard delivery: 900 yen (tax included)
Nekopos: 550 yen (tax included)
・If the product details page states that the product is eligible for Nekopos delivery, you can select Nekopos delivery.
- Please note that products that do not state "Nekopos eligible products" on the product details page will only be handled by regular delivery.

Shipping fees vary depending on the country and region. Please check the payment page.

<Pick up>

If you are not at home when your order is delivered, please follow the instructions on the delivery slip left by the delivery company to receive the item.
If you do not collect your item within the storage period, it will be returned to MARIYA TAKEUCHI ONLINE SHOP.
Please contact us within two weeks of returning the item via the dedicated inquiry form on the "Frequently Asked Questions" page.
If two months have passed since the return, your order will be cancelled.
*As a general rule, no refunds will be given in the event of cancellation.
*The customer will be responsible for the round-trip shipping costs for reshipment.
*If you decline to receive your order, are absent for a long period of time, or have to request reshipments due to personal reasons, we may restrict your use of the service. Please be sure to receive your order.

<International Shipping>

Delivery areas: China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, USA, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, UK, Austria, Denmark, Greece, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland

Shipping fees vary depending on the destination country and region. Please check the payment page.